Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Horse Tattoos

Horse Tattoos
It’s trivia time. What is the most recognizable design in the history of mankind? No clue? Well, let me fill you in. It’s the horse. Just take a look at the horse tattoo in the picture. It’s a little crude but I bet you couldn’t find one single person on the face of the planet that couldn’t immediately recognize this animal. It is one of the most familiar symbols of early man. The horse, before it was tamed, was one of the staple food items of early hunters. Pictures of horses adorn the cave walls of France and date back over 40,000 years. Even then, we revered the horse for its strength, speed and stamina, to say nothing of its beauty and grace. Horses were one of the first animals to be worshipped and considered an important animal totem. Horses were first domesticated some ten thousand years ago, somewhere in the Middle East or vast plains of Eastern Europe. In no time at all, men had climbed on board for a ride that has not yet ended. So, if your planning on getting a horse tattoo consider yourself in good company. There are thousands of people worldwide who are proud to claim the horse tattoo as their own.
Horse Tattoos
The Horse has universally been revered for its beauty and strength. The unique qualities of its heart and mind became recognized as the best characteristics with which to wage both war and peace alike. A Horse will whinny with delight at the sight of its owner and greatly mourn its loss should that beloved rider perish. Because the Horse is able to recognize its owner, and appears to return their love, it also became a symbol of mutual respect. So, it’s no wonder that the horse tattoo is a popular standard practiced in many parlors today. No other animal represents strength, stamina, power and trustworthiness more than the horse. Horse tattoos embody the characteristics of these noble creatures and by inking one on the skin the bearer hopes to identify with these qualities. But, regardless of whether you identify with these fine animals or simple have an admiration for them then the horse tattoo is a wonderful addition to any collection of body art. Because the Horse belongs to everybody, whether to ride or admire. Stories abound of the horse’s protectiveness, patience, and endurance during times when its owner faces hardship. And it will always be the symbol of free spirit and intuitive intelligence.

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